Story in Poetry: Sarah Brady, Tim Lowry

Sarah Brady

Sarah Brady is a storyteller, actress, and writer. Her experience in the arts started at an early age and continued throughout high school and college, where she earned a B.S. in speech education and an M.A. in interpretative speech. She taught communication, acting, and interpretative speech for six years at the college level, with over half that time spent at Hampton University as an assistant professor who was also responsible for the school’s forensics and debate team. Sarah’s acting credits include such roles as Nurse Kelly in “Harvey,” Perdita in “A Winter’s Tale,” and Lady Macbeth in “” Her one person shows are varied in subject and style, from “The Book of Ruth,” a telling of the biblical story, to “Two Women, Two Worlds,” a historical narrative of women in the American Civil War. When not acting, telling, or writing, Sarah likes reading, traveling, and enjoying time with family and friends.

Tim Lowry

Tim Lowry’s love for show business began when he was six years old, watching a thrilling performance of the Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus. Waiting for his big break Tim filled his childhood with performance opportunities.  As a theater major in college, Tim studied Shakespeare and romantic opera, but when he took an elective class in storytelling he found himself. After college, Tim taught English language arts for five years. Drawing on his love of show business his teaching methods were often considered “unorthodox and disruptive.” In 2000, Tim left the classroom to pursue a career as a professional storyteller. (Ironically, he is now hired as an educational consultant to bring creative and innovative programs to schools across the country and is approaching his 10,000th performance!) In 2012 Tim began touring the National Storytelling Festival circuit and has shared stories on stages from Connecticut to California. Occasionally, Tim provides applied storytelling workshops for corporate and non-profit groups. His client list includes the North Carolina County Commissioners (Raleigh, NC), Dollywood Dream More Resort (Pigeon Forge, TN), and Daramic LLC (Charlotte, NC).

Music by Podington Bear!

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