Episode Four: Tales from the Sky

Story Story Podcast Family Podcast

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Robin Bady

Award-winning storyteller Robin Bady performs and teaches throughout the United States, Germany, Ireland and China in theaters, cafes, schools, museums, festivals and online. She loves all stories, particularly true ghost stories told by the person who experienced the “presence”.  She frequently partners with instrument builder Skip LaPlante and violinist Concetta Abbate – their latest project is “The Rootabaga Stories” by Carl Sandburg. She is the host of the celebrated monthly storytelling series, BADYHouse Storytelling Concerts, which takes place in her home.
Connect with her on Facebook!
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Lyn Ford

Who is Lyn Ford?

  • A fourth-generation, nationally recognized, Affrilachian* storyteller.
  • A teaching artist with the Ohio Alliance for Arts Education, and workshop facilitator with both OAAE and the Ohio State-Based Collaborative Initiative of the Kennedy Center.
  • A Thurber House mentor.
  • A writer, published in storytelling magazines and newsletters, as well as teachers’ enrichment books and story anthologies, and her own books.
  • A recording artist with award-winning CDs.
  • A Laughter Yoga Teacher and breath mechanic.  Go to my new page, Laughter, Breath, Joy!, for more information!
  • A happy partner-in-life, mama, grandmama, great-grandmama, and good cook!

Connect with her on Facebook!

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Episode Four: Fire and Rain

Episode Six: Ananzi and Common Sense

Episode Eight: Gift From the Sea

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Episode Three: What Will You Give Me?

Story Story Podcast Family Podcast

Hear it on iTunesStitcher and Google Play.


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Ilan Glazer

Rabbi Ilan is honored to be Rabbi of Beth Sholom Synagogue. Rabbi Ilan grew up in Conservative synagogues and schools, USY youth groups, and Camp Ramah. He has worked with many Jewish environmental and social justice organizations and has led Jewish trips in the U.S., Costa Rica, and Israel. Rabbi Ilan has brought his unique blend of Torah, humor, music, and insights from the storytelling, personal growth and public speaking disciplines to synagogues, schools, JCC’s, retreat centers, and army bases throughout the Jewish world. Prior to coming to Beth Sholom, Rabbi Ilan was the spiritual leader of Temple Beth El of North Bergen, NJ.
Connect with him on Facebook!
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Asha Sampath

Asha is an educator turned storyteller.  She believes in the magical power of stories to connect, communicate and transform. She is passionate about helping revive the oral tradition and began a social media page “Tale Spin: a platform for stories” to spread awareness about stories and storytelling. Enjoys telling interactive stories to audiences of all age groups. Conducts storytelling workshops for children and adults and mentors budding storytellers.
Connect with her on Facebook!
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