Joanne Piazzi

Joanne Piazzi has been telling stories professionally since 1996. She has an MA in the Creative Arts in Education from Lesley University. Joanne is a member of the Seacoast Storytellers (NH) and LANES. The material she uses in her performances is often original, sometimes traditional, and always fun. She is available to perform anywhere that someone wants to hear a good story. Joanne also leads workshops for educators and children. Creating stories for special occasions is a specialty.

“I live in my head. A lot. I make stuff up, I borrow from old tales, I reinterpret new stories. As a storyteller, I’m a tour guide to that space in my brain. I work without a script, without costumes, without props. When I’m doing it right, listeners laugh, smile, sigh and breathe together, connected in the space of stories. I perform at schools, libraries, festivals, special events, and in my own backyard, literally. My mouthy hand puppets come along to shows for young children. I tell more grownup stories to, well, grownups and older kids. We play together. Apart from being the oldest educational method in the world, storytelling is just plain fun.”
Join Priscilla Howe for online story time or join her Patreon to get stories directly from her!!